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Self Reflection


Chin Yu Wei:

After carrying out this project, I have gained deeper understanding on how to write a complete research paper. The project had also helped me to greatly improve my writing skills as it had made me aware of some of the grammatical issues and bad writing habits that I have. Throughout this process, my teammates were never hesitant to lend a helping hand and this was also true for our teacher, Ms Lakshmi, as she gave us continuous support and suggestion throughout the whole process. I think the biggest difficulty we have encountered in completing the project is how to integrate four different writing styles together to form a high-quality research paper, but fortunately, I am very honoured to meet a group of positive and well-attended teammates. Whenever we had problems, we come together and cooperate to overcome these difficulties. They taught me the importance of the team spirit, everyone can complement each other's insufficiency to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two, and I look forward to working with them again in the future. In addition, with the in-depth and asynchronous research on this project, I also discovered my love for this type of technology, and my future path is clearer than ever. In short, this is an unforgettable time. Both the friendship with my team members and the knowledge gained during this project will certainly benefit me a lot.

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Tee Meng Kiat:

By partaking in the ENG1044 project, I was able to enhance my English writing skills and soft skills at the same time. This class reminded me of the simple grammatical error that can be easily made when writing an essay. Pre-classes preparation also encouraged me to manage my time properly in order to keep up with the classes. From little experience to writing a formal research paper, the success greatly came with the help of my group members as well as Ms. Lakshmi. Although working with different faces was challenging at the beginning, we managed to communicate well and have utilized our respective strengths to ensure the quality of the group work meanwhile also improving on our weaknesses. One of the most challenging things that we have encountered is the different writing styles of the final research paper, but we managed to solve this problem together as a team with effective communication. The feedback given by Ms. Lakshmi was very important as our research paper may have blind spot mistakes that we are unable observe. In general, everyone including me has contributed the best to the team, I hope that this momentum can be maintained throughout my whole degree journey. In conclusion, it is a fruitful and impactful semester as the ENG1044 project allowed me to improve as a person. 

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Than Hui Ru:

Venturing into the project, I did not have much initial thought and assumed that it would just be like gathering information from the internet. However, when I began the process, I was faced with several problems which included the difficulty in coming up with an appropriate research topic, skimming through journals articles for content supporting my argument and garnering citation. Citation in the beginning was very hard for me. I found it to be so tedious but reaching to the end of the project I am beginning to have a grasp of it. Another issue pointed out by Ms. Lakshmi was the different writing styles that each member had which made the research paper rather difficult to read, thus we had to adjust each other’s writing to become more consistent and more comprehendible for readers. Despite the challenges, I have understood much information on my research topic, not only that but also gained experience in the process of writing a research paper which will definitely be proved useful in my future projects. I was very fortunate to have very proactive group members and the guidance of our lecturer, Ms. Lakshmi. The overall process of working together was very smooth; the leader had kept everything on track with the cooperation of the team members. I had a great time with my groupmates, and everyone was happy to help when I had problems. During discussions everyone participated and when constructive opinion was given, I willingly accepted and so did the others.

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Yap Yu Heng:

Before conducting the project, I never expected that research paper writing requires so much cautiousness in the formality of language and the formatting of references. Through the consultation with Miss Lakshmi, I started to notice my weaknesses in academic writing and thus took steps to enhance my language skills in a proper manner. The biggest challenge that I faced is to compromise with the different writing styles of the members so that the readability of the research paper could be improved. We managed to overcome this problem by cross-checking our paragraphs and fixing the sentence structure together. Throughout the project, my teammates were very supportive and reliable as they always completed their tasks in time and were willing to help one another when we are encountered with problems, so did I. Therefore, I wished to collaborate with them again in the future semesters. After completing this project, I realised that teamwork is crucial in producing a fruitful outcome. I also found my passion in the study of computer vision as this project had reshaped my understanding of the topic through the deeper research on various academic journals. Overall, it was a memorable time when working on this project and the knowledge that I gained throughout this period will surely benefit me when I conduct my own research in the future.


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